Monday, May 18, 2015

The Quiet Galleries...

The Pittsburg State University Museum of Art's gallery spaces may be a tad quiet now that the summer session has come. The next exhibition is not scheduled until mixed artist, Cory Peeke displays his work, August 22, 2015 in the University Gallery. 

Harry Krug Gallery during the summer
Cory Peeke,  A higher education (flow of information) 2015

The museum staff are still at Pittsburg State University. They are working with the Pittsburg State University Permanent Collection. This is a wonderful task to undertake! Artists such as Berger Sandzen, Nahum Tachabarov,  and Illya Bolotowsky are just a few that the staff review to make sure their care is appropriate. 

Nahum Tachabarov, Figure Holding Bird, 2000, PSU Permanent Collection 

Sandzen Berger, PSU Real Family Permanent Collection